An Easy Tip to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Shine

Here's a super fast tip to make your LinkedIn profile shine-- and get those ego-boosting messages from recruiters!

This is a Quick Tip Tuesday article: Super short, super actionable career well-being & stress management advice delivered to your inbox every Tuesday. Written by Lydia Fogo Johnson, MS: Holistic career coach for parents. Register to get these in your inbox here

LinkedIn Profile Tips

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

If you know me, then you know I’m always talking about all the creative ways you can improve your career satisfaction and work/life balance in your CURRENT job.

Let’s be honest, though: Sometimes, the key to making your work life suck less is getting a better, more sustainable, or more fulfilling job.

This quick tip Tuesday is for job searches out there… anyone who may want a new job someday (aka, nearly every single one of you)

It’s time to tune up your LinkedIn Profile

In today’s world, your LinkedIn profile will be viewed by more people than your resume.

Chances are that your profile will be viewed by the recruiter, hiring manager, and several people on your prospective team for every job you apply to.

That’s great news because your LinkedIn profile is way more robust and engaging than your resume… right?!

Well, it should be.

really easy way to start making your LinkedIn profile shine is to ensure your LinkedIn is up to date with all of your relevant work experiences.

You should list more than just your job title. For each position, add a robust description of your accomplishments and job duties using keywords relevant to your ideal job.

For example, if you want to be a senior sales Manager at a SaaS company, you’d better have keywords like “SaaS”, “manager”, “leader”, and “CRM” all over your profile.

This is important because recruiters can find you via LinkedIn via search results, and you have better odds of showing up the more closely your profile includes keywords similar to the job they’re trying to fill.

(Pro tip: If you’re having a hard time thinking of keywords, go find an active job posting for your current job and highlight any words that appear more than once in that job listing. Tada. Keywords!)

But Lydia, I’m SO happy in my current job! (said almost no one, ever)… But if you’re the lucky happy unicorn, please know that this is a worthwhile step to do anyway for a few reasons. One, it’ll probably help you build credibility in your current job, especially if you’re externally facing (your clients are looking you up, too!). Second, you never know when you’ll decide you’re ready for a new job or when something unexpected (like layoffs) will happen. Last, I’ve never had someone complain about getting pinged by recruiters— it’s such a nice ego boost!

For more LinkedIn tips, check out this past post. If you’re a current holistic career coaching client of mine and would like to talk about LinkedIn during a session, just let me know! That’s what I’m here for.

Your Homework: Go update your LinkedIn experience descriptions. You got this!

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Nice to meet ‘cha!

I’m Lydia Johnson, MS. I’m an expert in using evidence-based tools and psychological research to improve people’s lives at work.

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Holistic career coach

Industrial-Organizational psychology consultant

triple-certified coach

Matrescence expert

ex-HR professional


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Holistic career coach

Industrial-Organizational psychology consultant

triple-certified coach

Matrescence expert

ex-HR professional


I know from personal experience how draining it is to be unhappy with your job and the ripple effect stress can have on our families and personal lives. If you add raising tiny humans to the mix, it’s no wonder working moms are one of the most burnt out demographics out there! 

Never fear, I’ve got good news: It’s possible to create a fulfilling, balanced career that leaves more space for your rich personal life.

As a triple-certified career coach with a master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology (the psychology of work & careers), I’ve helped countless women and moms overcome their stress, burnout, and career challenges. As a working mom myself, you can trust that I get you and can help you redesign a career that works with this wild but wonderful time in your life.