Have Questions? I’ve got answers

Read FAQs about career coaching & my services. You can also book a free consult to ask all your burning questions to a real person (me).


What can I expect to get out of coaching with you?

We’ll invest significant time at the beginning of our coaching journey into creating a custom set of goals and outcomes for your coaching journey. Each of these is highly tailored and unique; however, here’s a general idea of what you can expect: 

  • As a coach, I aim to help you overcome burnout, stop the Sunday scaries, and design a more fulfilling life.
  • I’ll work with you to identify the root causes of your burnout and unfulfillment, and we’ll explore strategies and tools to help you overcome them.
  • You can expect to gain clarity on your values, goals, and priorities and to develop a plan for achieving them.
  • You’ll also learn techniques for managing stress, setting healthy boundaries, and cultivating mindfulness and self-care practices.
  • Ultimately, you can expect to feel more fulfilled, balanced, and confident in your career and personal life.
What are outcomes some other client's have had after coaching with you?

Everyone’s journey is unique, but here are a few examples of where my past career coaching clients have ended up:

Sometimes, clients decide it’s time to finally quit their jobs to pursue a lifelong dream, such as traveling the country (Maddie), hiking the AT (Chris), or exploring a new country with their family (Susan).

Other times, clients realize their current career is a good fit, and after carefully implementing new mindset shifts, work task changes, and new boundaries, they are happy with their current job (like David).

Some clients decide it’s time to pivot into a new career field, like Amber, Manning, or Hayley.

Some clients discover that while they’re working in a field that’s a good fit for them, they’re ready for a new company (like Deen).

Some clients decide to start a new job that helps meet their immediate needs and work towards their dream job in a longer-term career plan (like Marshall).

Why can't i hire you for just a few sessions or just to do my resume?

I offer a one-time session specifically dedicated to helping you beat the Sunday Scaries, which you can read about on my services page.

Outside of this session, I only work with clients in packages because my goal is to help you overhaul your career into something that you can enjoy and that supports the rest of your life… and that type of big change doesn’t happen overnight!

I also value creating a long-term relationship with clients so they have support and accountability throughout every career change and challenge they make– I don’t want to leave you high and dry without support! This also allows me to deeply understand my client’s challenges and better serve them as a career coach.

What is your typical client like? AKA, who do you tend to work with?

I welcome anyone who can benefit from my holistic career coaching– creating safe, inclusive spaces is my number one priority. 

That being said, many of my clients are…

  • Fellow working parents or mothers who are exhausted from the pressures of trying to juggle work, children, and personal lives in a world that undervalues the invisible labor of parenthood and has double standards related to gender roles. 
  • Women or Female-identified professionals who are burned out from high-stress, unfulfilling jobs. 
  • Anyone who values an inclusive, LGBTQ+, and queer-affirming environment. 
  • Fellow neurodivergent or neurospicey humans who are navigating the work world with ADHD, high sensitivity (HSP), etc. 
  • Anyone looking for a holistic approach that considers their non-work life and personal needs.
  • Individuals who appreciate an evidence-based perspective from an unbiased and friendly coach. 
What if I want a refund, more sessions, or fewer sessions?

Your happiness and support are a top priority throughout our coaching journey together.

You can cancel our package for any reason within the first 60 days of working together and receive a refund for all unused sessions.

If you’d like to continue meeting after our package has ended, we can explore continuation packages to get you the support you need. 

Isn't this kinda a lot of time, money, etc?

It depends! You spend over 80,000 hours working in your lifetime, so if that time is spent in a draining and unfulfilling job and career coaching helps you love your career again, then that’s worth an investment in your future!

Think of coaching as hiring a different professional or expert, like a personal trainer or a lawyer. I’ve invested substantial time and effort into building my expertise, which you’re gaining access to without having to jump through all the career, graduate school, and certification hoops!

If you truly cannot afford coaching, please email me to learn more about my payment plan options and scholarship availability. 

Can I "try" coaching out first?

Yes, I offer a free 30-minute consult call for potential clients. During the call, we’ll discuss your current challenges and goals. I’ll provide you with some initial recommendations and strategies to help you get started on your journey toward career and life fulfillment. The consult call is an opportunity for you to get to know me and my coaching style and to see if we’re a good fit. Please take advantage of this opportunity to ask any questions and understand what coaching with me might be like.

Otherwise, if you decide to work with me, I offer a risk-free cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your coaching package anytime in the first 60 days of us working together and receive a refund for any unused sessions. 

What are your credentials?

You can get a deep-dive all about me on my About page, but here’s the quick version:

  • I hold a Master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational psychology from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, which means I’m an expert in understanding how people think and behave in the workplace.
  • In addition to my degree, I am also dual-certified as a life and career coach. I’ve got an Executive Life Coaching Certification and a Designing Your Life Coaching Certification from the amazing folks at Stanford’s Life Design Labs, which means I know how to help you create the life and career you want.
  • I’m in the process of becoming an ICF-ACC accredited coach (expected in Spring of 2024). 
  • I have over 6 years of corporate experience as an internal & external HR consultant working with top executives to help them create healthier workplace cultures and improve employee engagement. This means I’ve seen the underbellies of dozens of workplaces, big and small, spread all over the globe. I’ve also experienced my own work stress induced by high-pressure corporate environments in a variety of industries (e.g., Saas, Federal, Higher Education, etc.). 
  • I’m also a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher, which means I know how to help you find balance and relaxation amidst all the hustle and bustle of work.

So, I’m a one-stop shop for all your career and life fulfillment needs!

Do you offer payment plans or scholarships?

  • I offer monthly payment plans to help make the financial cost of coaching feasible. These plans are flexible; ask me for details during our discovery call.
  • I also strive to make coaching accessible, so I offer a limited number of scholarships to help reduce the financial cost of such life-changing work. 
Who is coaching a good fit for?

Coaching is an excellent fit for people who are looking for support and guidance in reaching their goals, whether it be in their career, personal life, or both. If you’re feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current situation, coaching can help you gain clarity and create a plan for moving forward.

Coaching is also an excellent fit for people who are open to learning and trying new things and are willing to put in the work to make positive changes in their lives.

Coaching is additionally helpful for people who could use an accountability buddy to help ensure they continue to make forward progress.

Who is coaching NOT a good fit for?
Coaching may not be a good fit for someone who is not ready to make changes or is not open to trying new approaches. If you’re not willing to put in the effort needed to intentionally redesign your career & life, coaching may not be the right fit for you.

Additionally, if you’re looking for someone to solve your problems for you or tell you what to do, coaching is not the right fit, because it’s all about empowering YOU to design your own life (with the help of ample tools, resources, & support from Lydia). Coaching is NOT a quick fix or magic pill.

How can I learn more?

Book a free 30-minute discovery call to ask all of your burning questions. Additionally, you can contact me via the Contact page, and I’ll respond via email as soon as possible. 

If you’d like to get to know me and my coaching style more first, you can also follow me on social (on instagram: @thriveculture.coach) or check out my About page.