Ready to start thriving at work?

Let’s work together

What do you need help with?

Reduce stress & overwhelm with a stress Survival Kit session

Book a 45-minute private coaching session to learn essential, evidence-based tools for immediate stress relief you can use in even the busiest of work days.

Extensive support for burnout & career fulfillment

Learn about my comprehensive private career coaching packages, that give you 3-12 months of support to improve your work stress, career fulfillment, and/or work-life balance.

corporate workshops, trainings, or public speaking

Improve your employees’ engagement and well-being with tips from an Organizational-Psychology and burnout expert.

Reclaim your calm with the stress survival kit

Learn simple, evidence-based strategies for immediate stress relief

Are you feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed because of your demanding job? 

Maybe you leave work only to find yourself frazzled and snappy with your family because your stress has followed you home

Or perhaps you struggle to keep your cool during the workday, frequently being pushed to your limit till you become emotional or boil over?

Then, it’s time to book a Stress Survival Kit Session so you can take charge of your work stress and stop existing in survival mode during your work days.

You’ll learn quick, evidence-based tools for immediate stress relief you can use in even the busiest of work days and how to stop taking stress home with you– All in under an hour.

By the end of our session, you will know…


A simple tool to help you proactively address your stress so you can better cope with the demands of your job.


Five effective ways to instantly calm your mind and body so you can handle stressful moments without shutting down or boiling over.


A practical strategy to decompress in just a few minutes after work so you don’t take your work stress home to your family.


Bonus: You’ll also receive a personalized stress management action plan and guidebook with easy-to-use scripts and tools to immediately improve your workdays.

How it Works

Instantly book your session for just $97

Complete a 10-minute Stress Management Assessment

Hop on the phone for your 45-minute coaching session

Use your new tools to survive your workdays with more peace & calm

Ready for tons of personalized support?

Holistic career coaching program:
Design your thriving career

My holistic career coaching packages gives you months of personalized career support for three to twelve months.

It’s designed to provide evidence-based solutions whether you’re struggling with career unfulfillment, burnout and stress, poor work/life balance, a big career pivot… or all of the above!

Your roadmap to a thriving career

My holistic career coaching program has six specific steps we’ll navigate together. We’ll customize your unique coaching plan during our kick off call.

Stress & Burnout Recovery (Optional)

If you’re in the chaos of high stress and burnout, we’ll start with some stress-reduction SOS strategies and self-care practices to help reduce the stressors and build your resilience. If this is your top priority, we’ll expand this section to several sessions. If you’re not experiencing high stress, then we’ll skip this step.

By the end of this section, you know where you land on the Burnout to Thriving spectrum and will have new stress-reduction mechanisms and coping techniques to help mitigate the impact of stress in your daily life. 

Example exercises and tools: Stress and Burnout Assessment, Grounding and breathwork techniques, new resilience-building lifestyle changes, self-compassion break, etc.

Identify your ideal career & life vision

Your career should be aligned with what matters most to you, so we’ll start by deeply reflecting on what a meaningful, fulfilling, enjoyable, and balanced career looks like for you specifically.

By the end of this section, you will have created a short, rank-ordered list of what you need to experience a meaningful and fulfilling career (and life in general).
Example tools and exercises: Personal & career values assessment, Work/Life View reflection, etc.
Unpack your current work stress & career challenges

Next, we’ll get specific on exactly what isn’t working for you (and what is) in your career. We’ll begin creating and implementing job improvement strategies to help improve your current work life. 

By the end of this section, you’ll have identified the top stress and dissatisfaction triggers in your job and your personal life and prioritized which areas to tackle first.  

Example tools and exercises: A comprehensive Work Stress & Dissatisfaction Assessment, Job Demands and Resources audit, past job reflections (so we can understand what has and hasn’t worked in the past), etc.

Discover your unique career needs and preferences

We’ll identify what you specifically need to enjoy your work by exploring your unique personality, passions, skills, values, personal preferences, and limiting beliefs.

By the end of this section, you’ll have increased self-awareness of your career needs and have created a checklist of career preferences (and deal breakers!).

Example exercises and tools: Skill x Passion Matrix, enneagram personality assessment, reflection on important individual differences/identity factors (e.g., ADHD, parenthood/motherhood, HSP, etc.). 

Explore your options & choose your next career step

We’ll use creative tools from design thinking to help you brainstorm a list of attractive options when it comes to your career. I’ll help you think through new options and learn everything you need to know through research and networking so you can decide what’s next with peace and ease.

By the end of this section, you will have created a list of attractive career options and decided which one to pursue, whether that’s staying in your current role, switching companies, or pivoting into a new field entirely. You’ll also have created a 5-year career plan. 

Example exercises and tools: Should I Stay or Should I Go, Alternative Work/Life Option Brainstorming, O*Net Career Interest Profiler (for those interested in switching fields), Top Career Choices: Research & Logistics Workbook, etc. 

    For those staying in job: redesign your job with job crafting strategies

    If you decide to stay in your current job, never fear; we can improve it! We’ll use practical strategies from Industrial-Organizational Psychology called job crafting to help you make your job a better fit for your needs, personality, and preferences.  

    By the end of this section, you will have created a Job Improvement plan with actionable steps and milestones. 

    Example exercises and tools: Career mindset shift/cognitive reappraisal, task crafting, setting healthy boundaries, remodel vs. reinvent vs. relocate.

    For those changing jobs or careers: Land your dream job

    If you’re changing jobs or fields, we’ll create a job search plan to help you navigate the chaos of job hunting with ease. I’ll also support your job hunt’s logistics and paperwork (e.g., resume, LinkedIn, cover letter, interview tips, etc.). My VIP Job Changer package offers more intensive support on the logistical & paperwork aspects of navigating job changes. 

    By the end of this section, you will have created a job search plan, updated your Resume and LinkedIn profile, and have new strategies to rock your next interview.

    Example exercises and tools: STAR interview method, prototype conversations as networking opportunities, ATS-Keyword analysis and resume revamp, etc.

    Past Clients’ Career Wins

    Stories from real clients about the changes they’ve seen in their careers and lives.

    David K.

    I hired Lydia because I wanted to analyze my life in a way that I struggle to do on my own.

    Working together feels like being with a scientific expert. Coaching helped me not just to imagine a future, but to plan it out meticulously. This helped me to see the potential life change for what it actually would be.

    Overall, this process has made me more mindful, gain acceptance for my situation, and be happier. I feel that I’ve achieved greater focus and a better grasp of what I am in control of in my life.

    Amber T.

    Highschool Teacher in Chattanooga, TN

    When I started coaching, I hoped to find answers and advice for what to do next in life. What I found is that I had all of those things within me. I realized that external validation doesn’t feel as good as having a deep inner knowing. I gained the confidence to ask for what I need in both personal and professional settings.

    I learned to trust myself and made the decision to walk away from a job because it wasn’t what I wanted anymore. My expectations were far exceeded because I gained more than I had dared to hope for.

    Maddie P.

    Employee Relations Consultant in Chattanooga, Tennessee

    Before coaching I was feeling extremely burnt out, stuck in my career path, and a sense of aimlessness in life.

    I’m only 5 sessions in and I’m already feeling a new sense of awareness of what I value in life and work through Lydia’s discussions and exercises.

    What has been especially helpful is identifying my values and needs, mapping activities to meet them and get more of them in my life, and looking at what career paths overlap my different needs.

    Laine A.

    Caregiver in Nashville, Tennessee

    Through coaching with Lydia, I learned how to speak to myself more kindly and how to differentiate helpful and healthy thought patterns from more toxic and unhelpful ones.

    One big breakthrough I had was the idea that I am already in the process of creating my “dream life.” I felt so far away from it beforehand, but Lydia helped me to see that I am in the active process of creating it, and that I have evidence to back it up.

    We walked through what my dream life looked like, and she helped me see all the ways that I was already directly manifesting that in my current life. Now I feel like I can better enjoy my current life while still working on creating my next chapter.

    Celeste C.

    Human Resource Consultant in Atlanta, GA

    Lydia coached me through an Enneagram session. She was very thoughtful in her approach and did a great job explaining what the assessment was and how it could help me better understand myself.

    What was great was she focused on how my personality traits show up in all aspects of my life, like home life, friends/family, and career/work. She then worked with me to devise a game plan on how I could improve areas of my life by leaning into my strengths and followed up with additional resources and next steps.

    Lydia is kind, understanding, and patient – she is a great coach who guides and supports your self-discovery journey!

    Book a free consultation to get started or learn more!

    Schedule your FREE career coaching consultation to learn more and discuss the best custom coaching path for you. No commitment is necessary.

    Want to read more about the program first? No problem, here’s more info!

    Meet your coach

    Hey, I’m Lydia Johnson, MS., a dual-certified holistic career coach with an M.S. in Industrial-Organizational psychology.

    I know from personal experience just how hard it can be to suffer through high-stress, unfulfilling work days.

    If this has been you, whether it’s been your norm for the past month or the past decade, this is your sign:

    It’s time to design a career that can give you life instead of drain it. And I’m here to help you.

    I specialize in helping working parents & other ultra-busy professionals intentionally redesign their careers to be fulfilling, sustainable, and enjoyable.

    My coaching revolves around topics such as stress management, career fit & fulfillment, work/life balance, and intentional career pivots.

    My ultimate goal is to get you more time and energy to do what you love in your work-life AND personal life, whether that involves finding a new job or redesigning your current one. 

    Hi, I’m Lydia Johnson MS!

    Hi, I’m Lydia Johnson MS!

    Hey, I’m Lydia Johnson, MS., a dual-certified holistic career coach with an M.S. in Industrial-Organizational psychology.

    I know from personal experience just how hard it can be to suffer through high-stress, unfulfilling work days.

    If this has been you, whether it’s been your norm for the past month or the past decade, this is your sign:

    It’s time to design a career that can give you life instead of drain it. And I’m here to help you.

    I specialize in helping working parents & other ultra-busy professionals intentionally redesign their careers to be fulfilling, sustainable, and enjoyable.

    My coaching revolves around topics such as stress management, career fit & fulfillment, work/life balance, and intentional career pivots.

    My ultimate goal is to get you more time and energy to do what you love in your work-life AND personal life, whether that involves finding a new job or redesigning your current one. 

    You’re in the right place if you value…


    Achieve real progress towards a happier career and balanced life with approaches grounded in the latest psychological research.

    Holistic & Comprehensive

    A career should be designed with the bigger picture in mind: Your rich personal life, goals, personality, strengths, and core values. 

    Personalized one-on-one support

    None of that “One-Size-Fits-All” (but fits no one well) stuff here. All of my coaching is tailored to you and your unique preferences, needs, and goals. 

    Long-lasting, sustainable change

    I know you’re tired of quick fixes that don’t last, which is why we focus on deep, sustainable changes that will stick with you for years to come.

    Accountability to make Sh*t Happen

    No more endless second guessing and analysis paralysis. All of my offerings are geared towards actionable, real-life change.