hello, I’m Lydia Johnson, MS

Your partner in crime for creating 

a thriving career & Life

Holistic career coach & Industrial-organizational psychology consultant

Lydia's portrait

Nice to meet ‘cha!

I’m Lydia Johnson, MS, a dual-certified coach with a master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology (the study of careers & work). 

I’m an expert in using evidence-based tools and psychological research to improve people’s lives at work.

My mission is to help ultra-busy professionals who are tired of being constantly stressed create fulfilling & sustainable careers that leave space for themselves, their passions, & their families.

In addition to being a career coach, I am…

The mom of an amazing, big-eyed, sweet little boy

bridge family photo

Currently living in Chattanooga, Tennessee (Nestled between Nashville, Knoxville & Atlanta)

lydia's dog penny

The proud owner of the cutest cat and dog out there

Lover of all things chocolate, but especially ice cream in waffle cones


I specialize in holistic career coaching for exactly 3 reasons


Most of us will live for about 4,000 weeks, which just isn’t that long… certainly not long enough to spend more of our days hating our jobs and living for the weekends. (Been there, done that, it sucks!)

Since we’ve only got one shot at creating a life we love, I’m passionate about making sure your life is a joyful and fulfilling one.

Lydia kissing her baby


Look, really I love career coaching… But I love the rich tapestry that is my personal life even more. Since we spend so much time at work, I firmly believe you must enjoy your work. But your career should not overtake the rest of your life. 

Not to get morbid, but on my deathbed, I won’t be thinking about my job. I’ll be thinking about smooching my giggling toddler, the too-hilly hikes I took with my husband, and that blissful time I fell asleep in the sunshine on an oversized floaty in a beautiful Tennessee lake… not all of those Exceeds Expectations performance evaluations.

I want to help right the tragedy of overwork, burnout, and crappy workdays so that you can enjoy everything you love outside of work.


I’ve personally survived the misadventure you’re probably on. I’ve spent my fair share of time in the land of burnout, Sunday scaries, overwhelm, and overwork.

Spoiler alert! You are currently reading the result of my own life & career redesign. I’ve overhauled my life & career to focus on what truly matters to me: Turning my passion (improving lives) into a fulfilling career (coaching) that aligns with my core values and provides more time for my own life outside of work (because you’re more than your career).

Lydia and her partner swinging their baby

I prioritize creating safespaces

I prioritize creating safe

No matter how you identify, your background, or your beliefs, I work hard to create a safe, inclusive, and judgment-free space that celebrates your wonderful and unique authentic self.

As a queer, neurodivergent woman myself, I know how critical it is to have a safe space when you’re doing deep, reflective work such as this.

I know that despite my best efforts, I come with my own unconscious biases and privileges. I am working to undo and mitigate these and promise to show up as best I can for you as an active ally and advocate

What’s My Story, you ask?

We could go back to when I spent WAY too much time in academia or how I used to be a fine artist and a yoga instructor… but instead, let’s dive into when I was a way-too-busy corporate gal.

Back when I was a global external consultant, I partnered with C-Suite executives to create a better workplace and culture. (For anyone who is a fellow HR nerd, my focus is employee experience and engagement.) I had the opportunity to work with dozens of corporations across the globe, including a huge range of industries, sizes, and cultures.

Despite all their differences, I found a common theme: So many employees were deeply unhappy with their work lives, but no one was empowering them to take control of their own careers. This kept them stuck in the same cycle of burnout, disengagement, and unfulfillment.

Ironically, despite always working in an HR-type function dedicated to creating great cultures & jobs, I had also experienced burnout, overwhelm, and feeling totally unfulfilled and drained in my own career many different times.

This led me to find new tools & resources to improve my own career, which naturally evolved into a career pivot into career coaching.

Now I LOVE my job, and I focus on this critical need- Helping busy people like you who are tired of the daily grind build a toolset that you can apply at work and home to design a more fulfilling, sustainable, and joyful life.

What’s extra special about this journey is that now I too am living my dream life; one full of fulfillment, meaning, impact AND extra giggles with the family, growth, & creativity

“Working with Lydia feels like having a personal scientific expert helping you meticulously consider potential life changes.”

– David K., Software Engineer

Here’s what I bake into every aspect of my coaching (& my life)

My Approach


Real-life, sustainable change is best driven by the latest psychological research and proven behavioral change & goal achivement techniques. 

Holistic & Comprehensive

A career should be designed with the bigger picture in mind: Your rich personal life, goals, personality, strengths, and core values. 


Let’s get you out of analysis paralysis mode and into action mode. I’ll be your accountability buddy.

Creative tools for hard problems

You’re not going to solve your problem with the same toolset that got you in it… which is why I leverage tools from design thinking to help you discover new options.

Mindfulness & Intention is Key

Redesign your career with intention, purpose, and ease with powerful self-reflection tools, mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, and increased self-awareness. 

My Qualifications & Training

Master's Degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

My graduate-level psychology training equips me to use research-backed strategies to build fulfilling, motivating careers and employee experiences. I-O Psychology is literally the study of careers and companies, so it’s a perfect fit for career coaching.

Global Employee Experience Consultant & HR Generalist

My corporate career was focused on providing high-quality consulting expertise to C-suite leaders on how to build better companies and improve employees’ experiences. I worked as a Global External consultant with giant corporations worldwide, including several well-known Fortune 500 companies. Before that role, I worked in several other roles as an internal consultant and HR expert, helping leaders design better cultures and learning programs.

Executive Coaching Certification

I’ve completed the ACC coach certification program through Coach Training Edu. This training is accredited by ICF (the global organization that sets the “gold standard” for coach training).

Designing Your Life Certification

I’m a certified Designing Your Life coach, which enables me to use powerful, creative approaches created by Stanford’s Life Design research labs to help you build your best life & career.

Foundations of Integral Coaching Training

Multi-day program by New Ventures West, covering the foundational topics of Integral Coaching (a holistic, multi-faceted approach to coaching). 

Effective Altruism Fellowship

Doing good is important; especially in your long career. I’ve completed an 8-week course focused on the principles of Effective Altruism, which is essentially the study of how to do the most good the most effectively.

Positive Intelligence Coach Training

I completed a 7-week coaching course all about using positive psychology & neuropsychology techniques to retrain your brain to form new habits through consistent daily practice. 

Dare to Lead Trained

Multi-week course focused on building courageous leadership skills from Dr. Brene Brown’s work. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Group Facilitator

Facilitator of an 8-week peer CBT mental health support group focused on helping improve well-being and decrease anxiety & negative experiences of participants. This effort is part of ReThink Wellbeing’s mission to improve mental well-being at scale. 

Dual-Certified Yoga Teacher

I’ve completed two yoga teacher certification programs, providing me with in-depth knowledge of mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, adult learning, and somatic practices.

Subject mater expertise in positive psychology, mindfulness, personality, career fulfillment, & behavioral change

I have additional expertise in fields such as personality psychology (enneagram, Big 5, Meyers-Briggs), mindfulness, positive psychology, career fulfillment, burnout, and more.

Ready to start thriving at work?

Ways to get help with your career

Stressed & burnt out? Get insights ASAP

Book a 45-minute Stop the Scaries career coaching session.


Want professional support for your big career challenges?

Learn about my comprehensive holistic career coaching package.

need a team/corporate training, workshop, or speaker?

Great, let’s chat about your needs! Book a free consult.

Get to know me (the whole me!)

I’m more than just my career (and so are you). Here’s a bit about my wonderful non-work life:

lydia doing acro yoga with husband nick

I love Mindful Movement arts

I’m a double-certified acroyoga and yoga instructor who has taught classes & workshops for over a decade. These practices taught me to value mindfulness, mind-body connection, community, and playfulness. It’s also how I met my husband; that’s a fun story!

lydia with husband nick and son luca


We welcomed a little boy into this world in 2022! My family is a huge part of why creating a work-life that works with your “life” is so important to me. Becoming a mother has also radically changed my approach to coaching, and I absolutely love working with other working parents.

lydia and husband nick traveling


I love traveling & exploring this wild, wonderful world. My family loves watching travel vloggers for fun, and we plan on sailing around the world in 2027! We’re currently practicing in a small sailboat on our local lake.

lydia's art


Creativity has always been a core part of my identity. Before I got my graduate degree in psychology, I was a double major in studio human art and humanities, where I explored existence via art and literature. I still love finding ways to bring my creativity into my life & work.

lydia's dog penny

My dog is the best

This is Penny. She is a spoiled Silken Windhound, and there’s no better dog out there.

lydia and husband nick doing acro yoga by the walking bridge in chattanooga

I live in Chattanooga, TN

Nestled in the south, Chattanooga is a beautiful outdoor lovers’ haven. I love romping around in all the greenery, exploring the budding food scene, and traveling to nearby destinations.

Wow, you’re still reading?

I’m flattered… but why don’t we just meet IRL?

Start designing your thriving career.